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Detailed information about our update process

To get a better understanding about our Update process we like to share the following information with you.

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To get a better understanding about our Update process we like to share the following information.

Here we write about 9 necessary points with detailed descriptions:

Upgrade process

  1. Partner request the upgrade
    Partner (or direct customers) opens a ticket on Cloudiax side to start the upgrade process.
  2. Cloudiax creates an upgrade environment for testing
    Cloudiax will deploy a new upgrade environment (Public Cloud or Private Cloud)
    This depends on the current customer system. In special cases we migrate from Public to Privat Cloud when the user count is higher than 5.
    After that we will provide the login information and the hardware key required for the SAP license.
    Third party add-ons require an installer from partner or customer side. Please check if the installer(s) are compatible with your new SAP version.
  3. Partner will provide SAP license
    Partner will provide SAP license via ticket.
  4. Cloudiax provides the updated databases incl. the add-ons in a new version on the new environment for TESTING
    In general we only update productive databases for testing. In the final upgrade we also only upgrade the productive /live databases.
    If requested we can provide a test database as well. This can be a database imported from the “old” environment or a duplicated / new created one.
  5. Partner & customer test the function of the new environment (30 days)
    The partner / customer has 30 days for testing. After that time Cloudiax reserves the right to charge the testing environment. The cost can be discussed with the Cloudiax partner management.
    Please inform us asap when more time is needed for testing and also please report all known issues.
  6. Partner confirms the function of the environment and fills out the acceptance report afterwards
    The acceptance report is very important for all three parties (partner, customer, Cloudiax). Cloudiax will not do the update until the acceptance report is filled out and signed by partner / customer).
    The report helps to get an overview what works and what doesn’t work in the test environment before Cloudiax will switch the test environment to productive.
    For untested functions Cloudiax will not take any responsibility.
  7. Partner & Cloudiax define a date for the migration of LIVE databases
    Partner will tell Cloudiax when the testing is successfully completed. After that Cloudiax and the partner will define the final upgrade date & time.
    Please note that Cloudiax can not fulfill update requests on the same day.
  8. Cloudiax switches the test environment to productive
    On the committed date Cloudiax will switch the test environment to productive. The old productive system will be disabled and removed after partner confirms that everything is working fine.
  9. Partner may needs to do final steps
    Please note that there are additional tasks to be completed after the final change. This could be:

    • User bindings
    • License assignments
    • Reports & layouts
    • Addon initializations
    • Individual customizing
    • 3rd party applications
    • B1iF customizing
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