asked questions about our cloud services

  • How is data backup/restore carried out?

    A full data backup is made every day. Once a month we will provide you one of these back-ups to download for free. If you want to download a daily backup of your system, you should also order the item Advanced Backups.

    RTO – Recovery time objective – maximum duration is 8 hours.

    RPO – Recovery point objective – maximum duration is 24 hours.

  • How long will be backed-up data maintained?

    30 days. That is the standard service. However, if the customer wants a different RTO or RPO, we can offer that based on customer requirements.

  • If we want to revert to a backup, how long does this process take and how far can we go back into the data?

    We make a daily backup and you can go back to the last 30 days of backup. The speed of the backup process depends on the backup. If a customer has special requirements, we would be happy to discuss the possibilities.

  • What happens if there is a blackout and you can't access the server?

    On the page you will find all information about our redundant data centers. We have three independent failure levels in the power supply. In the event of a failure, a battery storage system first takes over the supply. After a few minutes, our two emergency diesel generators start, which can supply the data center with power for several days and, in an emergency, weeks. The same technology is also used by backbone providers for Internet connectivity.
    So in the unlikely event that a major blackout causes Europe to be without power for several days, the Internet and our data center will still work.

  • Despite the high level of security in the Cloudiax data center explained in the question above, what precautions should I take in case of server failure?

    We recommend that you download the database backup at least once a month and save it locally. Then, if for whatever reason Cloudiax is no longer online, you can provide a local system with your data within a short time or rent a system from another cloud provider and upload the database.

  • Sometimes the HANA system starts slowly. Can we speed it up?

    Sometime users have to wait during the start-up of their HANA System.
    This can have 2 reasons:

    1. System maintenance has been carried out. After restarting a HANA system, the first logged-in user has to wait a minute. This is because HANA is an in-memory database and the entire database must first be loaded. The database is then in memory and runs with normal performance.
    2. This can also be because a user has added User Defined Fields (UDF) or User Defined Tables (UDT) so that the system takes a long time. It is therefore advisable to plan the addition of UDF’s or IDT’s so that other users do not have to wait until the system is operational.
  • How do updates work?

    Your public cloud system is always kept up to date by Cloudiax AG. For the private cloud, we only update the system at the request of the customer / partner.

    This service is free of charge for you. The update process for the public cloud system is automatically initiated twice a year by Cloudiax, so you don’t miss anything. In addition, an update can be performed outside this interval on request. This can be the case if you urgently need functional extensions or bug fixes in the new software version.

    The upgrade process is as follows:

    1. Cloudiax AG provides you with a copy of your updated system in a test environment.
    2. You now have 30 days to ensure that the new software version works without any problems. The productive system is not affected.
    3. If errors occur, they will be fixed in the test environment and you can test it again.
    4. When you have successfully passed all test scenarios, you give the approval for productive operation.
    5. The last step is the switch from the test environment to the productive system.
  • How can we move the current setup to the cloud so we can maintain our chart of accounts and data?

    Bringing your system into our cloud is very simple. After we have received your, order our technical team will setup your environment. During the deployment of your environment our team will ask you to provide us with a copy of your database and your license information. We will deploy your database at the time that has been agreed with you to minimize the downtime while migrating to the cloud. For example, we can do this during your night hours, so there is no downtime during your productive time.

  • What is the processing time for deployment?

    An environment is deployed after a maximum of 7 working days.

  • Is it possible to update a customer differently from the Cloudiax update plan?

    Upgrading a specific customer means extra work for us as we have to provision the customer in a dedicated environment and update it individually, which requires separate resources. Technically there are options, but it will add more cost to the customer and partner.

  • Does our customer get one HANA engine or more? 64GB or 128GB?

    Since our environment is a real cloud environment, we do not divide our HANA box in this way. We provide what the customer needs for his environment. This depends on the used products, the number of users and the size of the databases.

  • How much RAM/CPU/storage space is allocated to the server?

    Every user automatically gets the resources that he needs. We ensure an optimal environment for that.

  • Are there any setup fees for customers?

    No. With Cloudiax you don’t pay any setup fees. Setup, update and backup are included in the price.

  • What exactly do you cover with the “full managed service” for our customers?

    Cloudiax takes care of all software aspects in the cloud environment, including updates of the operating systems, business software (e.g. SAP B1), firewalls, virus protection, etc.

  • What happens if the customer doesn't pay for a quarter?

    That is the partner’s responsibility. Cloudiax has no financial contact to the partner’s customer. We send the invoice to the partner directly.

  • How does the commission work?

    There is no commission. Cloudiax calculates the partner’s prices from the Cloudiax price list minus the partner’s margin. You can find detailed information about the partner agreement here.

  • Where are my data or the data of my customers stored?

    Cloudiax has data centers in Germany, Canada and Singapore.

    In Germany, Cloudiax is distributed over two physically separated data centers. For our Cloud services, we have rented data center space and internet lines in the data centers listed below. All IT equipment used is owned by Cloudiax.

    Our data centers are ISO 27001 certified and comply with the international data center standard TIER3.

    Main data center Germany
    CSN Solutions; owner: Stephan Rakowski
    Kastanienallee 11
    23899 Gudow/Kehrsen

    Backup data center Germany
    Equinix Frankfurt
    Gutleutstraße 310
    60327 Frankfurt am Main

    For our partners and customers outside Europe, we have a data center in Canada and Singapore to cover the American and Asian regions. This means that the distance is much shorter, which significantly reduces latency.

    Data center Canada
    Equinix Inc.
    30 Bramtree Court, Brampton
    Ontario, CA, L6S 5Z7

    Data center Singapore
    Equinix Inc.
    15 Pioneer Walk,
    Singapore 627753

    You can find more information about our data centers here.

  • Which law applies for the protection of my data and the data of my customers?

    Our data centers are administered and operated in Germany by a German stock corporation. This means that the German law applies for the storage of data in all data centers. The German laws regarding data protection are among the strictest worldwide and have the highest requirements for the controlling of entrance, access, transfer, input, order, availability and separation.

    Cloudiax thus fulfills or exceeds all data protection requirements of the respective countries worldwide.

  • What is the term of the contract?

    The minimum term of the contract is one year and will be automatically extended by a further 12 months if the contract is not terminated by one of the parties at least one month before the end of the contract term.

  • Which support channels are available to Cloudiax partners / customers?

    Our support team of specialists is there for you 24/7/365!

    The Cloudiax support team offers you fast response times, a high first-contact resolution rate, multilingual support, full monitoring and many other highlights.

  • How are my orders settled at Cloudiax?

    We bill orders quarterly usually at the beginning of the calendar quarter. The invoices are due and payable in advance.

  • Which payment methods can I use to pay my Cloudiax invoices?

    Here you can find all information about our payment methods.

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