Ingold WooCommerce

Partner Developer:

Ingold Solutions GmbH


Ingold Solutions offers Ingold WooCommerce Add‑on integration, specifically designed to cater B2C platforms using SAP Business One®.

At Ingold Solutions, we bridge the gap between SAP Business One ERP and WooCommerce's dynamic e‑commerce platforms. This means more streamlined operations, improved customer experiences, and enhanced data accuracy, all vital for e‑commerce success.

Key Features of WooCommerce Integration Add-on:

  1. Automated Data Synchronization: The connector enables the automatic transfer and synchronization of data between SAP Business One and WooCommerce. This typically includes products, customers, orders and pricing.
  2. Order Management Integration: Orders placed in WooCommerce are automatically imported into SAP Business One for processing. This includes capturing customer details, order items, pricing, and shipping information.
  3. Product Information Management: The connector enables the synchronization of product details such as names, descriptions, images, prices, and specifications from SAP Business One to WooCommerce, ensuring consistency across platforms.
  4. Customer Data Synchronization: It facilitates the integration of customer data between WooCommerce and SAP Business One. This can enhance customer relationship management and provide a more personalized shopping experience.
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