Ingold Magento

Partner Entwickler:

Ingold Solutions GmbH


Ingold Solutions bietet die Ingold Magento Add‑On Integration an, die speziell für B2C-Plattformen entwickelt wurde, die SAP Business One® verwenden.

Text auf Englisch

At Ingold Solutions, we bridge the gap between SAP Business One ERP and Magento's dynamic e‑commerce platforms. This means more streamlined operations, improved customer experiences, and enhanced data accuracy, all vital for e-commerce success.

Key Features of Magento Integration Add-on:

  1. Automated Data Synchronization: The connector allows for automatic synchronization of data between SAP B1 and Magento. This includes products, customers, stock levels, orders, and pricing, ensuring consistency and accuracy across both platforms.
  2. Order Management Integration: Orders placed on Magento are automatically imported into SAP B1 for processing. This includes the synchronization of customer details, payment information, and shipping details, streamlining the order fulfillment process.
  3. Product Information Management: Product details such as names, descriptions, images, prices, and specifications managed in SAP B1 can be automatically updated on the Magento storefront, ensuring consistent product information.
  4. Customer Data Sync: The connector enables synchronization of customer data, including contact details and transaction history, between Magento and SAP B1, which aids in customer relationship management.
  5. Bi-directional Data Flow: Data can flow in both directions – from SAP B1 to Magento and vice versa, offering flexibility in how data is managed and ensuring comprehensive integration.
  6. Pricing with Period and Volume Discount Synchronization: The connector can synchronize period and volume discounts from SAP B1 to Magento, allowing for consistent pricing strategies across the ERP and e-commerce platforms.
  7. Error Handling and Logging: The connector typically includes error handling mechanisms, ensuring that any issues in data synchronization are logged and can be addressed promptly.
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