
  • The SAP SMB Innovation Summits 2017 are almost there

    The SAP SMB Innovation Summits 2017 are almost there

    What can we expect? This 2017 version is not only for SAP Business One but also for SAP Business by Design and SAP Anywhere, other interesting software products for SME’s.

    With this portfolio, partners have a broader choice of products to sell.

    But what do these products have in common? Simple, they can all be consumed by the customer via the Cloud. Two are cloud only and B1 is both cloud and on-premise.

    This reflexes exactly how most of the markets are today. The focus is more and more towards Cloud. A logical trend? I think so.

    The advantages of running a Cloud Solution are so big that in many cases customers don’t have to do a lot of thinking to choose.

    If we look at SAP Business One Cloud we can name a couple of keywords that describe the most important benefits of running Cloud
    • Pricing (Capex vs Opex)
    Costs (Enterprise IT for SMB costs)
    Integration (with other systems)
    Flexibility (in many ways)
    Extendibility (Industry Solutions and extensions)
    Business improvement

    In the next weeks we will
    • Explain in detail why these are benefits and how customers can maximize profitability with SAP Business One Cloud.
    • Illuminate why every customer should at least have a serious look at the Cloudiax platform to work with SAP Business One Cloud.
    • Do some webinars to clarify all benefits with Cloudiax and not only for customers but also for the partners!

    So stay tuned and remember;

    Cloudiax increases flexibility, reduces the total cost of ownership, helps avoid disasters, increases productivity and ensures the safety and security of business data!

    Come and meet us at this important events!

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