
  • SAP Business One for the fashion industry!

    SAP Business One for the fashion industry!

    Today, we bring you a diamond for every company in the fashion industry. We are happy to announce that the fully integrated solution Apparel & Footwear from our community partner Argentis Consulting is now running on our platform.

    Apparel & Footwear gives companies dealing with accessories, apparel and footwear the great opportunity to manage their complex product portfolio. Decision-making processes will be faster. As one customer of Argentis Consulting stated: “Not only can the same system process a POS, ecommerce or wholesale order – but it also handles the warehouse and GS1 needs for total control of a global operation.”

    The fashion business is a global business. Having a solution like Apparel & Footwear in the Cloud enables those fashion companies to manage their data the fast and easy way, without ever suffering in the performance of the system.


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