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Superuser in Cloudiax environment

In SAP Business One Cloud a superuser is a special user account used for system administration. Learn more!

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Note: This document is related to SAP Business One cloud systems hosted with Cloud Control Center. It is not related to hosted systems with an own SLD on Cloudiax.

In SAP Business One cloud a superuser is only available for cloud operators that can see the complete landscape including all databases and customers. Related to this we can't provide it to end customers and partners that not own a hole Cloud Control Center.

For setting up a SAP Business One database SAP provides the power user. A power user can modify all permissions and setup the authorizations in the SAP database.

The power user can be a customer user and a partner user, there are no limitations to it.

Please note that a power user has always full access to all Modules and Data, it also overwrites features like Data Ownership as the user is able to see all data even if the feature is setup.

Description from the SAP Business One OD adminguide to the power user

In SAP Business One on premise, the superuser can manage licenses, users, and addons.

However, in SAP Business One Cloud, the user and license management is centralized and managed by the cloud operator through the Cloud Control Center.

To prevent a reseller from interfering with the centralized management, the SAP
Business One client functionality must be restricted. Therefore, the superuser status is
no longer available for resellers; the power user status has been introduced instead.

Power users should have the same authorizations as superusers, except for the

  • Power users cannot manage licenses.
  • Power users cannot create new users in the SAP Business One client.
  • Power users cannot install add-ons.

There is little bit more limitations as descripted by SAP when you compare Superuser and power users.


  • Power users can't change the company name, to do so please open a request on our end. This can only be done by Cloud Operators.
  • Power users can't create new databases, this needs to be done in the Cloud Control Center.
  • Addons may look hardly on the Superuser status to display some features.
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